Tuesday, February 21, 2012

From dong to kip

The water puppet theatre was very clever. Apparently water puppetry dates from the 12th century and has become a specialised Vietnamese art form. The water bit reflects the flooded rice fields where the art form evolved. It was a riot of colour and with a surprising degree of movement. It was accompanied by an ensemble of tradional instruments whose players' costumes were as colourful as the puppets. All in all, a most enjoyable evening.

This morning was dry and cool but not cold. We had a lazy time with yet another steam bath, just loving the luxury. Wonder if it's possible to steam away the skin! I had the first runny tummy of the trip so stayed in the room packing etc while John went for a wander.

We walked down to a nice restaurant at the lakeside for lunch before our pick up for the airport.

Our flight to Luang Prabang was on a lovely wee plane. Shades of Lewis flights. We hadn't expected any catering but were served a light meal and a drink. By the time we got our visas etc and got to the hotel it was almost 9pm. First impressions are that we've chosen well again. The hotel is small. It's definitely old colonial style. Our room doesn't have much of a view but is large and beautifully furnished with solid old furniture.

We're tired now. Bed. So long dong and it's hip hip kip! 


  1. "So long dong and it's hip hip kip!" You are soooo funny. There is a wonderful lightness in your posts which tells me that you are having a really good time. I hope that you manage to get to some outdoor markets so that you can buy pressies and just savor the atmosphere. I love them: people, claustrophobia and everything.

    PS If you come back cooked (or raw-skinned) we'll know the answer to your question.

  2. Look forward to hearing about your new destination,and to your pictures when you come home.I take it no upgrade required in this hotel either,and take it you are coping with the time changes.

  3. How is the rucksack holding out Sue or is it like Mary Poppins bag it holds everything you need for every event... sounds like you had a good journey to laung Prabang - will have to look this up on google - it has been intresting reading your account of the places then seeing them online - it's time you took the blog to the next step and become travel writers xx
